Changes to the highway code coming into force at the end of this month.
They were published this week in the Moniteur Belge statute book and will affect scooter users, cyclists and pedestrians.
A speed limit increase for electric scooters on Belgian roads – from 18 to 25kph.
The age limit for cycling on the pavement will next week increase from nine to 10 years old.
The minimum distance that motor vehicles must allow to overtake a cyclist increases from a metre to 1.5m.
Other changes to the highway code include allowing the users of electric-powered bicycles to ride two abreast instead of in single file.
Pedestrians must not cross the road if there is a designated crossing within 20 metres. Before, the distance was 30 metres.
Finally, the Belgian highway code introduces the concept of pedestrians being able to cross the road without having cars turning left and right into their path.
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