Two months ago Belgium’s inheritance laws changed. The Bulletin and ING Bank organized the event where all aspects of marital contracts, taxes and inheritance laws will be explained.
You will get information about changes and how you can start thinking about your own assets and to whom they will be left.
The event will be held on 7 December, all speakers will talk in English. The information on the new inheritance laws and estate tax planning will be specifically geared toward expats.
Also on 1 September, matrimonial property laws changed in Belgium, and experts will go over those changes as well.
Estate Planning for Expats in Belgium, 7 December 17.30-20.30, ING, Avenue Marnix 24, 1000 Brussels. Free, but registration is required
To get information how to get Residence permit In Belgium and Belgian Citizenship – please visit our website belgium.euresidence.me