Flanders and Wallonia are preparing decrees that will ban smoking in cars when children are inside.
In Valonia, the fine will be 150 euros. In Flanders, even more stringent measures will be applied – up to two years in prison and fines of up to 250,000 euros.
“That may seem high, but it makes sense,” Schauvliege said. “When you ban something, there has to be a strong deterrent. Smoking in the car in the presence of children is particularly harmful and we want to react.”
Anti-smoking groups have been campaigning for years for the issue of passive smoking in cars to be debated in the federal parliament. In a confined space such as a car, toxin levels are more than 20 times greater than in a house.
Federal health minister Maggie De Block is in favour of a nationwide ban. Several European countries, including France, have already taken action.
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