Don’t miss the most delicious event of the year Eat! BRUSSELS, Drink! BORDEAUX Festival!
It’s an opportunity to taste delicious culinary dishes in the Brussels Park during this weekend.
Brussels-Capital Region and City of Brussels invite you to the fifth edition of Brussels culinary festival.
The Bordeaux region will join the Festival again this year with the Brussels version of Bordeaux’s Fête le Vin.
The chefs will be setting up pop-up kitchens and offering a different dish each day for the fixed price of €9.

Entry to the festival is free and open to all.
In order to buy something at the festival, you will need to have special festival money.
To taste a dish by one of the chefs, you will need to use tokens. One token is one dish. One dish is for €9. All the dishes are offered at the same price.
To taste the Bordeaux wines, you must purchase a Wine Pass. You will receive a booklet containing all the coupons for the tasting. One coupon corresponds to one glass in one pavilion.
Your pass is valid for the entire festival and you therefore have four days to taste the wines and use your tickets.

To enjoy all that is on offer at the festival at the right price, three other great deals are offered:
– Lunch Pass (18€: 2 glasses of wine, 2 signature dishes, 1 beverage (coffee or water Bru), 1 Campari Tonic),
– Solo Pass (35€: 1 Wine Pass (including all the Bordeaux tastings), 2 signature dishes, 2 beverages (coffee or water), 1 Campari Tonic)
– Dual Pass (65€: 2 Wine Pass (containing all the Bordeaux tasting), 4 signature dishes, 2 coffees, 2 waters, 2 Campari Tonics).

eat Brussels 2014