12 pilot projects on home hospitalisation have been launched by Federal health minister Maggie De Block. The purpose is to ascertain whether patients can get certain care at home, with the same quality and safety guarantees as in a hospital.
The projects will test a number of situations, including intravenous administration of antibiotics and cancer treatments and will involve about 1,300 patients and 35 hospitals.
The collaboration between a minimum of one hospital, home care service and GP is an essential condition.
The quality of care was evaluated by at least four specialists with a different expertise. They eventually selected five projects in Flanders, five in Wallonia and two in Brussels.
Minister De Block pointed to the advantages of home hospitalisation. Patients, she said, would receive care in a familiar and comfortable environment, can more easily receive friends and family and run little risk of some common hospital infections.
Patient participation in a pilot project is on an entirely volunteer basis. After an evaluation of the projects, the government will decide which ones can be introduced on a larger scale. The projects are part of a larger reform of hospital financing.