New Year is getting closer and closer. Pre-New Year period is filled with a special magical atmosphere, and in Brussels, there are plenty of exciting activities. Only a few more weekends before the end of the year, so you have all reasons to visit Brussels and recharge your new positive emotions!

– The FILM Festival System_D @KVS kicks off this weekend: uncensored emerging talent in Brussels
– Spend your Sunday at Plaisirs d’hiver / Winterpret / Winter Wonders, there will be gospel and christmas carrols. Singing Christmas Brussels is a collaboration with BOZAR and will take place at Saint Catherine’s church between 15h and 18h.

– Enjoy ‘Chaplin’ the play at Théâtre royal du Parc until 31/12
– On Sunday, there will be concerts and performances for the whole family at Maison de la création from 14h onwards.
– For the more athletic, join the CrossCup Sunday in the park in Laeken for a great work-out!