A proposal to increase the speed limit on Belgian motorways from 120 to 130kph received a negative reaction from
Wallonia’s Road Safety Agency, the Flemish government and Inter-Environnement Wallonia.
Federal mobility minister François Bellot and Walloon mobility minister Carlo Di Antonio opposed this idea as well.
Belinda Demattia, from the Walloon Road Safety Agency (AWSR), said: “The biggest argument against this measure is that it will increase the number of accidents and their severity. Speed causes accidents and also aggravates the consequences. So there would be more victims.”
Meanwhile, new federal police figures show the number of drivers receiving driving fines grew by 27% last year to total 1.6 million.
More radars placed at roadwork sites were the biggest contributor to the increase. A fixed speed camera on the E40 in Ghent recorded 281,677 violations alone.
From 1 March, the Belgian postal service Bpost will take over responsibility for the recovery of road fines. The aim is to reduce the administrative burden on police, the prosecutor’s office and courts.
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