Exhibition focusses on future for Royal Museums of Fine Arts
Belgium’s Royal Museums of Fine Arts (MRBAB) are collaborating with the Louvre Museum in France, to offer an original project centered on the future from September 11th.
The exhibition called “2050, a brief history of the future” includes over 70 contemporary works of art exploring our future.
It will raise big society issues such as over-consumption, world conflicts, the scarcity of natural resources, social and economic inequalities, or human mutations, explain the MRBAB. As well as these complex problems it will show positive and constructive, even sometimes funny, points of view.

Belgian and international artists including Sugimoto, Boetti, Kingelez, Warhol, LaChapelle, Gursky, Op de Beeck, Yongliang, Turk and Alys will encourage viewers to (re)think the future.
The supplementary exhibition at the Louvre Museum starting September 24th will take a subjective view of the past seen from the future, through the imaginings and artistic creation of past millennia.

Both exhibitions were inspired by the Jacques Attali book “A brief history of the future.”