Belgium – Belgian Eurovision rep Loïc Nottet has shown us his live vocals we should expect to see on the Eurovision Stage this May when he performed live on a Belgian Radio Show this morning. All we need now are the dancers
18 year old Loïc sang his entry “Rhythm Inside” live on the Ornelis & Vancoillie show in Belgium this morning and he sounded, quite frankly, amazing. You an see his performance below and yes.. he pulls faces when he sings

Loïc will be singing for Belgium in the first semi final in which he will be performing 3rd. Will he get Belgium back into the grand final this may?
In an interview earlier this year Loïc revealed he plans on using two dancers dressed in White to symbolise the perfect people whereas Loïc plans on wearing black to symbolise the underdog.

Belgium: Loïc Nottet Sings “Rhythm Inside” Live