The Brussels International Festival of Fantastic Film (BIFFF) promises two weeks of spine-chilling cinema spanning horror, thriller and science fiction films, but the electric atmosphere is not restricted to screen. The famous body-painting competitions and the ruthless vampires ball, where aliens, angels and demons meet in an apocalyptic party atmosphere are just a few of the festival highlights. The festival’s grand prize, The Golden Raven statuette, has previously been won by cult classics such as Army of Darkness and Radioactive Dreams.

From 7 till 19 April 2015 at Bozar, the Festival of the Fantastic movies in Brussels (BIFFF).
33th edition of the Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival with lots of science fiction and cult movies.
ZomBIFFF Parade
On Saturday 11 April 2015 with start from 4:30 pm at the Brussels Park.
Date: April 7 – 19, 2015
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Categories: Arts, Unusual