The City of Brussels could soon recognise the entire pentagon, or area within the small ring road, as an official tourist zone. The recognition would have a great effect on shopping in the area, by permitting shops to stay open seven days a week. Commerce minister Marion Lemesre (MR) will submit the request, for which the city council already gave its preliminary approval on Monday, reports brusselnieuws.be.
According to Lemesre, shop owners in the centre of Brussels would benefit from staying open on Sundays, in order to compete with new shopping areas along the canal and near the Heysel. “The Sunday openings, together with the reconstruction of the central boulevards, will have a real positive impact on the economic revival of the city centre,” according to the minister, who is hoping for increased tourism and employment.
The proposal is a topic of hot debate among various intermediate organisations, trade unions and some large chains in Rue Neuve and other major shopping streets.
Lemesre hopes the recognition will granted by the end of May.