14/08/2015 – 23/08/2015

Just a few weeks left to experience the most eclectic music marathon in Belgium: The Brussels Summer Festival is simply a summer must!

Lauched in 2002 by the City of Brussels, this event can today boast of being the most important cultural event in Brussels. The BSF became a music festival like no other.

The Brussels Summer Festival offers a series of live concerts over ten days in the area in front of the Royal Palace and nearby (the museum square and the Mont des Arts).
From Friday 14 till sunday 23 August the Madeleine venue will be the place to be for pop and rock concerts. Electro fans won’t be forgotten either, as they will be welcome every night from 11.30pm until 2am, for the AFTERS/ELECTROCITY, the aftershows during which the beat will go on assiduously.