It will take months to return to normal says the CEO of the airport.
He was interviewed on Tuesday (29 March) by the major Belgian newspapers.
Today a test will be carried out as to whether operations can return to 20 % capacity on Wednesday after the damage to the airport caused by the terror attack on 22 March.
“The check-in-area is totally destroyed and it may take months to put it completely in order again,” says chief executive officer Arnaud Fest. “Only a gradual recovery of operations is possible because a temporary structure cannot absorb the normal volume before the attack,” he explains in Le Soir.
“Even if the building structures are intact, everything will have to be rebuilt, air conditioning at check-in counters. It will take months …”
It is too early to quantify the financial losses, according to Arnaud Feist. He emphasizes that the airport is insured against terrorism.