We asked Cédric (24), a mechanic from Bierbeek, how much he earns and how he spends it.
– What do you do for work and how much do you earn?
– I’m a mechanic in a garage. I change brakes, do maintenance, replace tyres, etc. My day is very varied. I earn €1550 net per month.
– Do you enjoy your work?
– Very much! I like tinkering with cars and I love working with my hands. Definitely after a day of work my hands are pretty filthy, but that’s part of the job and I wouldn’t want it any other way. Every night I head home satisfied. If I had to think of a downside it would be that I have to wake up very early. But I do that with pleasure.
– What do you think of your salary?
– A good start. Of course I’d like to earn more – who doesn’t? But for my first real job it’s definitely a good wage.
– How many hours do you work per week?
– I work 38 hours per week.
– Do you save money?
– I try, but it doesn’t always work. As a student it was harder to set money on the side. Back then I coached hockey to students at KU Leuven to earn a little money, but that money was spent elsewhere. Now that I have a fixed job, I do my best to save a little every month.
– What’s your biggest cost?
– I customise my own cars a lot and that gobbles up a big chunk of my budget. I also spend quite a bit on hockey and games. I’ve got the advantage that I still live at home, of course, so I don’t have many other costs. Soon I’d like to get my own place, so maybe I should really do something about my attitude towards saving.
– What do you hate spending money on?
– I find spending money on clothes difficult. Having the newest clothes or shoes really doesn’t interest me.
– What do you like spending money on?
– Repairs on my own cars; my hobbies – hockey and gaming; going out with friends; good food; etc.
– What would you do if you won the lottery?
– I would definitely put aside some of it for the future. I’d also give a part of it to a good cause. And buy a few nice cars too, of course!
