We asked Robin, 25, from Antwerp how much she earns and how she spends it.
– What do you do for work?
– I’m a sales and office co-ordinator and also the personal assistant to the CEO at an SME in Antwerp. I earn €1,550 net per month.
– Do you like your job?
– A ton! The work is interesting. I have a good boss. Our small, close team complements each other. Plus it’s near my house. That’s really a luxury: I’m never in traffic as I have been in other jobs. So I really appreciate that.
– What do you think of your salary?
– I’m definitely satisfied. For me it’s perfectly in balance with the work I do.
– How many hours do you work per week?
– My work week is 38 hours.
– Do you save money?
– Yes, definitely. Every month I set something aside in my personal savings account, and my boyfriend and I also have a joint savings account. We both think saving is important, especially since eventually we want to buy a house.
– What is your biggest cost?
– Our car is our biggest expense. And we also love eating and drinking well, including in our groceries.
– What do you hate spending money on?
– We really enjoy good food and drink, but I prefer not to spend my money on expensive meats and luxury products. I’d also rather not buy expensive lingerie.
– Where do you like your money to go?
– I love shoes and clothes. If I think something is pretty, I won’t hesitate to buy it. Good perfumes, too!
– What would you do if you won the lottery?
– Let me think… A beautiful, spacious home and a motorbike, I think. I’d save the rest – if there was anything left over, of course.