Buying a property in Belgium: Free seminar
The Bulletin (The platform for Belgium’s international community) and the ING bank organize events offering practical advice on buying a property in Belgium. Come to listen to experts, including an estate agent, a notary and ING’s head of expats Dave Deruytter. One reason why people are tempted to own their own home is that the […]
Set up your bank account before moving to Belgium
If you are planning a move to Belgium – you can set up your bank account before you even get here. BNP Paribas Fortis Bank provides services specifically tailored to expats. You can open an account online and have a bank card ready and waiting for you on the day you arrive. BNP can also […]
The most sophisticated mobile surgical unit in the world was introduced in Brussels
Artsen Zonger Grenzen, the local chapter of Doctors Without Borders, has introduced the most sophisticated mobile surgical unit in the world. It was open to the public on Rogierplein in Brussels at the weekend. The unit has its own water and electricity systems and is not dependent on outside services and supplies, which can be […]
Will there be a speed limit of 130 km / h on the Belgian motorways?
A proposal to increase the speed limit on Belgian motorways from 120 to 130kph received a negative reaction from Wallonia’s Road Safety Agency, the Flemish government and Inter-Environnement Wallonia. Federal mobility minister François Bellot and Walloon mobility minister Carlo Di Antonio opposed this idea as well. Belinda Demattia, from the Walloon Road Safety Agency (AWSR), […]
A simplified form of obtaining a residence permit for non-EU citizens
Citizens of countries outside of the EU who have been offered a job in Belgium will soon have an easier time getting their residency permits. The legislative update has been already approved by the Foreign Affairs Commission and is now awaiting approval by the Chamber.As a result, one form should be approved instead of two […]
Bruges city will refuse opening new souvenir shops
Bruges’s city council is going to refuse giving licenses for opening more souvenir shops. Bruges continues to pull in the most tourists in the country – some seven million a year and the quantity of souvenir shops continue to grow. But the problem is that many shops offer cheap products, often made in China. There […]
An extra 5,400 places in Belgium’s French-speaking schools
Wallonia-Brussels government voted on Wednesday to spend €30 million to increase school capacity in the region. Faced with a population boom, government will make extra 5,400 places available in Belgium’s French-speaking schools. In total, 28 schools around Wallonia and Brussels will benefit from the extra funding, with the creation of 850 places for nursery and […]
New hybrid buses will appear in Brussels
90 new hybrid buses will be purchased by Brussels public transport operator Stib. New buses which use less fuel, produce less pollution and less noise and will cost about €42.5 million. The Stib has signed an agreement with Volvo to supply and maintain the buses. The vehicles use electric power from an inbuilt battery to […]
Brussels residents will control city’s budget
The City of Brussels will let its residents to control a part of the municipal budget. Brussels is following the similar initiative that already successfully implemented in Dublin, Lisbon, Madrid, New York, Paris, Porto Alegre and Reykjavic . The City of Brussels will give a €200,000 portion for the particpatory budget and locals will be […]
Brussels park will be opened for weddings this summer
This summer the City of Brussels is going to allow outdoor weddings at three green spaces of the capital. Between May and September couples will have an opportunity to held weddinng ceremony in Osseghem Park overlooking the Atomium, the Royal Park in central Brussels or the Bois de la Cambre. The city council is expected […]