
Wage Watchers: How much does a college lecturer earn?

We asked Inge Stouffs, 35, from Antwerp how much she earns – What do you do for work? – I lecture in engineering at Artesis College in the real estate training programme for brokers and surveyors. I’m a civil engineer and architect by education. I’ve been teaching for six years and I really love it. […]

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Iris Day 2015 in Brussels

Brussels is celebrating its most colorful event. The Brussels Capital Region celebrates the Iris Day each year at the beginning of May. The program includes free concerts and activities. A friendly and fun festival.Near the Rue de Lombard where its Parliament is housed, the city of Brussels hosts a rather special event, the Iris Festival, […]

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European Day 2015. Festival of Europe in Brussels

9 May is an Europe Day, the day of the European Union. Brussels, the capital of Europe, also celebrates this day. European institutions in Brussels invite everyone to take a look behind the scenes. It’ll be a day full of festivities for the whole family, as part of the Festival of Europe! The city welcomes […]

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Belgium is 10th best country in the world to be a mother

Belgium is the 10th best country in the world to be a mother, according to an annual survey by the NGO Save the Children. Norway is the best country in the world to be a mother and Somalia is the worst, claims the organisation. The US, in 33rd place, came in well behind the Scandanvian […]

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A little steam engine in Forest

A little number of Brussels inhabitants know this: in the middle of Bempt parc, their is a unique kind of train ride… On a one kilometer circuit, a group of friends passionate about miniature trains present their work to the general public. Visitors will be able to get on these mini trains which in fact […]

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