While ambassadors on foreign trade missions never fail to mention Belgium’s rich variety of beer, chips and chocolate, these delicacies are in fact not the country’s main export products, writes Het Nieuwsblad. According to the foreign trade agency, Belgium remains mainly an exporter of services and products, with cars, lorries and buses leading the top four.
Belgium last year exported €360 billion worth of goods, according to Het Nieuwsblad based on figures from the foreign trade agency. Total exports increased by 1.4% compared to 2014.
But Belgium’s world-famous beer, chocolate and chips are not the country’s largest exports, although they do make a nice contribution, says the newspaper. The list of the top four most exported goods is headed by the automotive industry, which accounts for 11% of total exports. Petroleum and derivatives occupy second place with a share of 9%. Pharmaceuticals, with 6% of total exports, come in third place.
Finally, food takes the fourth position, accounting for 5% of total exports.